Untitled - foreign exchange tales, interview with Balázs Bazsalya, sociologist, 2018
within the framework of he framework of flying art courses
Summer Art University of Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty of Law
photo: Attila Menesi
f**k ABC, protest participation, 2019
photo: Gabriella Csoszó / FreeDoc
f**k caravans, 2020
köztéri és közösségi (kontextus-)háló feszítés Ádándon, 2015.06.26. 0:22
kontextus: f***k, háló: Csucsu, fotó: Héjja János
(contextus)net streching in public space with community of Ádánd, 2015.06.26, 0:22
context: f**k, net: Csucsu, photo: János Héjja
Balázs Kata: A független képzőművészeti tanszék: kritikai művészet és kritikai pedagógia, Balkon, 2019
independent art department / flying art courses
artistic project and activist movement
participation in various events as performer, co-organizer: workshop, protest, lecture, knowledge transfer
HE SAID, 2021
common event of Freie Ungarische Botschaft (FUB), aHang and independent art department (flying art courses), participation as organiser and performer
three-day event: protest action for postal voting in Hungary with various program: audioinstallation, discussions, reading theatre and piegon racing
The title of the event comes from a well-known Hungarian phrase taken from the chorus of the most popular recruitment song of the 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence, the Kossuth Lajos Song.
Currently Hungarian voters living abroad or residing abroad on election day with a registered address in Hungary can only cast their votes in person, for example, at embassies or consulates during elections. This can require many hours of travel or significant costs for many people, not to mention situations where travel is simply impossible. Furthermore, in the current pandemic situation, standing in line may deter some of us. But even if these obstacles can be overcome, is it really necessary?
For years, the Freie Ungarische Botschaft (FUB) founded by Hungarians in Berlin and aHang have been fighting to make postal voting available to everyone. Now, in collaboration with the independent art department (flying art courses), they are drawing attention to the importance of the issue with a three- day event in Budapest. As part of this, the figures of Lajos Kossuth's memorial will speak out, the stories of Hungarian voters living abroad will come to life, and it will become clear why postal voting is vital for many of us.