flying art courses - in the framework of Open University of Eötvös Lóránd University's Faculty of Law lecture/performance with Balázs Bazsalya (sociologist) and workshop, 2018
Transart Communication 30 / Performance Train, Budapest-Prague-Krakow-Bratislava, 2018
Found Exhibition - Memory of Lemuel Gulliver, group exhibition @Artpool P60
Tobias Zielony's workshop exhibition - Body politics, political bodies, HUFA /Doctoral School, 2018
Transart Communication 30 / Performance Boat, Budapest - Párkány - Bratislava, 2018
Daah Urgeeh, performance and solo exhibition @Labor Gallery, 2018
Zopán Nagy's book premier performance with Zopán Nagy & János Kókai, Kelet Kult Café, 2018
Work vs Study - project of the Intermedia Department of HUFA, class of János Sugár, events at Off-Biennale, 2017
Art Has No Alternative (An Archive of Artists in Action),, 2015
Transparent Sound Festival@Fúga, Budapest Center of Architecture, 2015
3D animation course exhibition@Parthenón-fríz, MKE, 2015
Final exhibition @University of Nova Gorica, 2015
Zopán Nagy: Kétségek / Kökény-kék kőkulcs book premier performance with Zopán Nagy & János Kókai, 2015
flying art courses workshop @Ádánd, 2015
Speculum Artium Festival @Trbovlje, Slovenia, 2015
International Art Film Festival of Szolnok, 2014
Enjoy Dózsa!, 2B Gallery, 2014
Pretty Vacant, SEIZE International @Right Back! Project Gallery, 2014
Medium Analysis VII. - telematic action between Hungarian Fine Art University, Intermedia Department & Labor Gallery, 2013
A common cartography? group exhibition of the Mapping the Local course @Hungarian Fine Art University, 2013
Art Gallery IX-XI, finissage performance with Attila Dóra&Zopán Nagy
Godot Gallery, opening performance with Attila Dóra, József Szurcsik&Áron Porteleki, 2013's travelling exhibition, Ai Wei Wei's Never Sorry poster-contest, 2012
FÚGA Gallery: Photo Poetica, 2010
Raoul Wallenberg Foundation: Take a stand!, , 2010
Festival of Bánk Lake: Bánki Forest Tells About, 2010
DOWNinthe8th Festival - Bánki Forest Tells About, 2010
Youth On The Move, Millenáris Exhibition Place, 2010
Bakelit Multi Art Center, III. without art degre, 2010
Time-Based Media in Contemporary Art, group exhibition, New Budapest Gallery
End!angered Species, performance at the opening, Kunstverein Wagenhalle, Stuttgart, 2016
FNAF, Prague / Altenburg 1964, 11-12.09.2021
AZT ÜZENTE // audioinstalláció és szoborszínház a levélszavazásért
az aHang, a független képzőművészeti tanszék és a Freie Ungarische Botschaft eseménye, Kossuth Lajos tér, Budapest, 17-19.08.2021
Galántai 80 – A jövő emlékei / Souvenirs for the Future
17.06.21 - 30.09 @Artpool, Budapest
Goethe-Institut: #aboutbeuys, online, 2021-
Secondary Archive at Manifesta 14 Prishtina, 22.07-30.10.2022
flying art courses: non-compulsory reading - public art project @József-Attila housing estate, Budapest, 1-14.4.2022
𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵, solidarity exhibition for University of Theatre and Film Arts, public spaces in Budapest, 2021
flying art coruses: Caravan, project leader of the caravan called Community. Billboard. Action., 2021
Performance Box, performance with Zoltán Balla, POHODA Festival, Performance Box organized by Transart Communication / Trenčín, Slovakia, 2021.
Alle haben Angst. Wir auch. - group exhibition, Laden fuer Nichts Gallery, Spinnerei / Leipzig, 2019
Show and Try Again / AGAIN - 10th anniversary of the master program Cultures of the Curatorial at HGB, space design with Silke Berg, Hanako Emden, Sophie Florian, Tim Deniz Heide, Clara Pötsch, HGB Gallery / Leipzig
Final Drift / Draft - Westpol airspace, in the frame of Lindenow Festival / Leipzig, 2019
Social B%dy Lessons - Független Képzőművészeti Tanszék / Flying Art Courses workshop, Island Festival, Budapest, 2019
103 temporary multiways - group exhibition, Handstand und Moral, Leipzig, 2019
kraft, werk - exhibition of new members of FKSE, Budapest, 2019