On Mother's Day, Iʼve made this haircut as a spontaneous statement against the prevailing Hungarian political regime's stance on women's perceived 'role' in society. This was in direct response to a specific comment, and serves as a general expression of my disapproval.
The remark made by László Kövér, Speaker of Hungary's National Assembly, which I deem to be highly sexist, was uttered during a television program. In the broadcast, he referred to opposition party members - esecially at those whose personal number starts with number two - as 'patients'. ID number 2 in Hungary refers to female sex.
Hommage á Marcel Duchamp, 3.5.2020 (motherʼs day)
body art
Anyák napján készült statement-frizura - reflexió a hazai politikai rezsim által hangoztatott ideális nőképre, a nők társadalomban elvárt szerepére. Közvetlen válaszként is értelmezhető Kövér László következő megnyilvánulással kapcsolatban:
Én szánalommal tekintek ezekre a képviselőkre, különösen azokra, akiknek a személyi száma 2-essel kezdődik, amikor olyan helyzetbe keverik magukat, amilyenbe Szabó Tímeának is sikerült legutóbb. Nincs annál elszomorítóbb, mint amikor egy gyűlölettől eltorzult női arcot lát az ember férfi létére.
Hommage á Marcel Duchamp, 3.5.2020 (Anyák napja)
body art
photo: Zoltán Balla
I am looking at these representatives with a pity, especially at those whose personal number starts with number two, when they are getting into a situation like Tímea Szabó (female oppiositional politician) got recently.
There is nothing more saddening for a man than seeing a womanʼs face that is being distorted by her own hatred.